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Mothers. Teachers. Mentors. Travelers.

Faithful. Strong. Beautiful. Generous.

Hopefilled. Committed. Loving.

Transformation starts with us. 


Have you ever had a dog fall in love with you?

It's actually pretty amazing.

Faithful friend. 

Unconditional Love.

Giving without asking in return.

I should be more like that.  

Jude's Shoes

'You see, these are African football shoes" Jude said
"Why are they 'African'?"
He reached down, grinning, and stuck his finger into a large hole in the side of one of the shoes. 
"See, they're African football shoes."
We laughed. 

Cups and Color

Yes.  They are cups.  Just cups, old, plastic cups.

Stop a moment, just a moment... just long enough to see.  The colors, the shapes, and for a moment, see more.  Glimpse.

Find the small, beautiful things in life.  Let them capture your mind, and fill your eyes with delight.

I love this picture.  It's simple, clear, and wonderful.

I need to try harder to open my eyes, to see the beauty, the life, the excitement, the delight, found in even the smallest and most simple things.

For me it will be through a camera, and words over the coming months.  How will you glimpse the glory around you?  

But then I see beauty...

When I see color,
    sharp lines,
         strange contours,
               I understand that the world is beyond me,
                        beyond what I can comprehend.

Sometimes I try to pretend,
     like all the little worries,
            complaints and fears
                    annoyances, pains and tears
                          are the center of the universe, around which all revolves, me.

But then I see beauty.
    I see color, shapes and combinations
         Never before conceived,
              and in that moment I must choose,
                  Between a world of fear and frustatation
                            Or a world always new

Too often I decide not
        to join in the beauty,
             instead to hide
                  dirt and pain behind weary eyes

But sometimes
    I can rise, and see
         the grace surrounding me
               Small but beautiful, a world always creating,
                    always rejuvenating
                          ever inviting me,
                                   to hope in something more beautiful, to see what I can find



The Nun and the Magistrate

It's always easy to assume, assume you know or understand someone based on their job, their work/vocation, their ethnicity.

In much of Africa, magestrates are known as corrupt officials, not seeking true justice, but instead seeking their own personal gain, and to help those connected to them.

Nuns are seen as humble, hardworking, devoted, they are often considered better than everyone else, and often given special treatment.

Let us never assume, but always seek to know the person in front of us.

Simon, the magistrate is one of the kindest, most generous, straight forward, and humble African men I have ever met.  He gives far beyond what is asked, loves his children, and has a vision to bring real, transformational justice to the poorest members of Ugandan Society.

Sister Joan, is retired!  She is a bit bored, and was inspired during our course to find something to do with her remaining time.  She is jolly, joy-filled and approachable.  We even danced together at one point.  More on her later...

I need to let go of my assumptions, maybe you do too.  Everyone is different, everyone has a story, and everyone can teach us something new about the world around us.

Assumptions are full of pride. 

Be humble enough to ask, to learn, and to listen.   


What's your name?  MaryMercy
Do you go to school?  Yes
Do you like school?  Yes
You know MaryMercy, you have a great smile. 

I write.

Do you write?  

I do; sometimes to pass the time, sometime to express emotions, sometimes to share a thought or a story.  I write, and through writing I become more able to listen, to share, to understand, to express.  

I want to write more, to inspire, encourage, empower, through stories, thoughts, and wisdom from around the world. 

Understand. Purpose. Diversity. Love. Find a place in this world.  



What do you think is the biggest problem in Africa?  Poverty

How would you change that problem?  I think that we Africans need to start taking up our responsibility and do work.  We need to use our time well, we have a lot of time.  

Chris and his friends

"Chris, who are your friends?"
"Oh, this is James (to his right) and Monica (in front)"
"Can I take your picture"
"Yeah, sure"
"Now can you look happy to be friends?"
Lots of laughter... a great picture.

Beautiful Future

Barbara, Rwanda: Last year of studies at Cornerstone Leadership Academy.
Spend one hour with her, and you'll have great hope for the future of Africa.  