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The Pursuit of Knowledge

Knowledge.  It's a funny thing.  "Knowledge is power" they say. 

I do believe that is true, but it makes me think. Knowledge can be powerful, but what knowledge?  Often I, maybe we, only seek knowledge that works for me, things I agree with, opinions that won't threaten me.  In order to boost my own ability to champion, to succeed, I feed on what is written for me, or about me, about my way of seeing things.

Yet, recently I've realized that is not knowledge.  The pursuit of true knowledge is not only reading vast amounts of literature, it's being willing to read different literature, to understand new ideas, an opposite view point.  It's taking a minute to "walk in another's shoes", and learn in their foot prints.

And I think reading, and personal study is a great place to start this personal quest for knowledge.  You can put a book down, it doesn't have feelings.  You can take the time you need to really think about how you feel, what you personally think about an issue, without someone needing an immediate response.  The more I do this, the more I will not only be able to more clearly state what I believe, I will also be much more able to listen to what others have to say.

In this era of information I sometimes wonder if we are losing our ability to gain knowledge.  To consider, without judgement, for a time another perspective.  To think, even just for a moment that another person's experience is as valuable and insightful as my own.  To be willing to look at life from another angle.  You never know, you just might see something a little more beautiful.

So, what's on your summer reading list?  Perhaps think about adding something that will increase your knowledge, understanding of the world, and provide more insight into the other humans who occupy this planet with you.
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